Beti Bachao Beti Padhao NGO in Delhi

Beti Bachao Beti Padhao NGO in Delhi

Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP), launched by the Government of India in 2015, is a national initiative aimed at addressing the declining child sex ratio, promoting the education of girls, and ensuring the empowerment of women. The program focuses on improving the welfare and protection of girls, promoting their education, and changing societal attitudes towards gender discrimination.

Apeksh Trust play a crucial role in the success of the Beti Bachao Beti Padhao initiative. Their involvement extends across various levels, from advocacy and awareness campaigns to direct action on the ground. Below are the key roles that Apeksh Trust play in Beti Bachao Beti Padhao:

  1. Raising Awareness and Advocacy
  • Educating Communities: Apeksh Trust is at the forefront of creating awareness about the importance of gender equality, the value of educating girls, and the adverse effects of gender discrimination and female foeticide. They conduct awareness programs, workshops, seminars, and door-to-door campaigns, often reaching rural areas where cultural attitudes towards girls may be more conservative.
  • Shifting Social Norms: Apeksh Trust work to challenge and change deeply ingrained social norms that contribute to the devaluation of girls, such as son preference, early marriage, and limited access to education. Through community engagement, storytelling, and media campaigns, NGOs highlight the benefits of girls’ education and empowerment for families and communities.
  • Mobilizing Youth and Leaders: Apeksh Trust often organize youth leadership programs and training for community leaders to champion the rights of girls, motivating them to advocate for equal opportunities and the protection of girls in their communities.
  1. Preventing Gender-Based Violence and Discrimination
  • Combating Female Foeticide and Infanticide: Apeksh Trust raise awareness about the illegal practice of sex-selective abortion and work with local authorities to promote the importance of gender-neutral health and social services. They advocate for stricter enforcement of laws that prohibit sex determination and gender-based discrimination at birth.
  • Promoting Child Protection: Apeksh Trust actively support the child protection system by providing resources and assistance to prevent child marriage, trafficking, and exploitation. They also engage in public advocacy to highlight the negative impact of child marriages, especially on girls’ health, education, and future prospects.
  • Supporting Girls in Crisis: Apeksh Trust provide services like helplines, safe spaces, and counseling to girls who are at risk or have experienced gender-based violence. They also help create systems for reporting and addressing abuses like domestic violence, sexual harassment, and trafficking.
  1. Promoting Girls’ Education (Beti Padhao)
  • Creating Access to Education: Apeksh Trust work to ensure that girls, particularly in rural and marginalized communities, have access to education by building schools, providing scholarships, and creating safe learning environments. They address barriers such as distance to schools, lack of facilities, safety concerns, and financial constraints that prevent girls from attending school.
  • Supporting Enrollment and Retention: Many Apeksh Trust run programs to increase girls’ enrollment in school and ensure that they stay in school by offering after-school programs, mentorship, and academic support. They also provide sanitary pads and hygiene education to ensure that menstruation does not interfere with a girl’s education.
  • Encouraging Higher Education: Apeksh Trust focus on promoting higher education for girls, offering scholarships, mentorship, career counseling, and vocational training to help girls transition from secondary education to college and beyond.
  • Awareness on Early Childhood Education: Apeksh Trust also work on promoting early childhood education and ensuring that girls receive a solid foundation before entering primary school, which is vital for their future learning and development.
  1. Economic Empowerment and Skill Development
  • Vocational Training for Girls: Apeksh Trust provide skill development programs for girls and young women to make them self-reliant and economically independent. This could include training in areas like sewing, computer skills, entrepreneurship, digital literacy, and handicrafts. Such programs align with BBBP’s goal of empowering girls beyond basic education.
  • Microfinance and Entrepreneurship: Apeksh Trust offer microloans or financial support for girls and young women who want to start their own businesses. This gives them the financial independence and security they need to thrive in society, breaking cycles of dependency and gender-based poverty.
  • Career Guidance and Leadership Training: Apeksh Trust also help girls navigate career choices and provide leadership training to encourage young women to take on leadership roles in their communities and professions.
  1. Creating Safe and Inclusive Environments
  • Gender Sensitization Programs: Apeksh Trust run gender sensitization workshops for families, teachers, community leaders, and students to challenge stereotypes and reduce discrimination based on gender. These programs promote equality and respect between boys and girls, and encourage both boys and girls to support each other’s educational and life goals.
  • Building Safe Spaces: Some Apeksh Trust create safe spaces where girls can gather, express their views, and get emotional or psychological support. These spaces provide an environment where girls can learn about their rights, build confidence, and support one another.
  • Engaging Fathers and Male Role Models: Recognizing that gender equality needs the involvement of men and boys, Apeksh Trust engage fathers, male community leaders, and male role models in promoting the education and well-being of girls. These programs work to create supportive environments for girls in their homes and communities.
  1. Monitoring and Advocacy for Policy Change
  • Engaging with Government and Policymakers: Apeksh Trust work with local governments to ensure that the Beti Bachao Beti Padhao mission’s goals are integrated into local policies and that there is sufficient funding for girls’ education and protection. They also advocate for policy reforms to support the safety and well-being of girls, such as laws to prevent child marriage, improve school infrastructure, and ensure gender-sensitive curricula.
  • Data Collection and Research: Apeksh Trust often collect and analyze data on gender disparities in education, child marriage, female foeticide, and other issues related to the welfare of girls. This data is used to monitor the progress of BBBP and advocate for necessary changes at local, state, and national levels.
  1. Collaboration with Government and Other Stakeholders
  • Partnering with Government Initiatives: Apeksh Trust collaborate with the government to implement BBBP campaigns, providing grassroots-level support and creating synergies with government resources. NGOs help mobilize communities and bridge the gap between government policies and community needs.
  • Public-Private Partnerships (PPP): Apeksh Trust work with private companies and organizations to fund and implement programs that support girls’ education, health, and safety, thereby increasing the reach and impact of BBBP.